New deep-sea sighting: The barreleye fish has a transparent head and tubular eyes

I spy with my barreleye, a new Fresh from the Deep! During a dive with our education and outreach partner, the Monterey Bay Aquarium, the team came across a rare treat: a barreleye fish (Macropinna microstoma). MBARI’s remotely operated vehicles Ventana and Doc Ricketts have logged more than 5,600 successful dives and recorded more than 27,600 hours of video—yet we’ve only encountered this fish nine times! The barreleye lives in the ocean’s twilight zone, at depths of 600 to 800 meters (2,000 to 2,600 feet). Its eyes look upwards to spot its favorite prey—usually small crustaceans trapped in the tentacles of siphonophores—from the shadows they cast in the faint shimmer of sunlight from above. But how does this fish eat when its eyes point upward and its mouth points forward? MBARI researchers learned the barreleye can rotate its eyes beneath that dome of transparent tissue. Aquarist Tommy Knowles and his team were aboard MBARI’s R/V Rachel Carson with our ROV Ventana to collect jellies and comb jellies for the Aquarium’s upcoming Into the Deep exhibition when they spotted this fascinating fish. The team stopped to marvel at Macropinna before it swam away. MBARI is working with the Aquarium to bring the deep sea to you next spring. Into the Deep will bring you face-to-face with deep-sea denizens like bloody-belly comb jellies, bubblegum corals, and Japanese spider crabs. Learn more about the barreleye fish in our Creature feature:


Ellie Grey Spells it Out

Ellie Grey spells it out . I have all the evidence to prove that this is a load of rubbish. Listen to the flu deaths from previous years. Please stop living in fear. Turn off your TV and stop listening to the government. Learn to think logically, calmly and rationally. Covid is NOT to be feared for the average person. It’s not even considered a bad flu year. Proof below.

Swine flu in 2010 –
0.026% mortality rate, 540,000 CASES.

Peaked on 1st jan 2015 – 44,000 deaths – 35% higher than 5 year average
5-11th, there were 15,000 deaths alone associated with the flu.…/highestnumberofexcesswi…/2015-11-25

January 2018, 64,157 people died – 42% spike than 5 year average and highest since 2006…/weekly-national-flu-reports-2018-to-20…

Covid as of 16th July – 23,146 – 0.0024%…/COVID-19-total-announced-death…
Ellie Grey

#scamdemic #pandemic #truth #tellingthetruth #facts #factualinformation #dropthefear #thinklogically